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Sunday, 9 August 2015

Day 8: My Five Current Goals | DailyAugust

Hey guys, I'm so sorry that I didn't post yesterday! I was at Bloggin'Grapes' birthday party and I had alot of fun! I hope you don't mind that you didn't get a post yesterday but today I'm going to give you Day 8 and Day 9's post and maybe another post to make it up to you. Today's post is about my current goals, enjoy!

This Blog
I what this blog to gain readers because I want to make more people happy. I really want to post more often, maybe even everyday, I am doing DailyAugust to get into the hang of it and see how it goes! If I do get into posting everyday, I probably won't post at a certain time because that is just too much pressure!

In maths I get quite a lot of the questions wrong but in tests I'm actually quite good. In maths I want to get better at the maths in class.

In my school there are badges for achievements and I really want to get a 3Rs badge.

Badges 2.0
I also want to get a badge for tech this year.

I am really, really good at losing my stuff so I want to not lose my glasses . . .

So those were my current goals, I hope you enjoyed that and I will see you in under an hour with today's post, byeeeeeee!



1 comment:

Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine