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Monday, 3 August 2015

Day 3: My Five Favourite Einstein Quotes | DailyAugust

Hey guys, it's Day 3 of DailyAugust and I'm loving it! Today's subject is my favourite Einstein quotes, but you know me, I can not pick just one so I am turning it into five. I know that having just Einstein quotes may seem a but weird but if I made it all quotes then I would have hundreds on  this post! If you are wondering why the date banners are a day behind, it's because I live in New Zealand and we're a day ahead. Now I have told you that, we can get onto the post!

I love this quote so much. It is basically saying that everybody is a genius in their own area or way. Is it just me that imagines one of the fish from The Lorax climbing a tree? Maybe it's just me . . .

I love this one! I always have so many ideas and that is one of the reasons I started this blog: to let them out! I also have an idea that I am working on and I'm writing a book (I don't think that Penguin will publish it but I can be very convincing ;D).

This one means that you should treat and speak to everybody the same, I love this and if we al had this rule, the world would be a better place (unless somebody said "okay, I'll shoot everybody then!").

I definitely have an imagination!

Mistakes are natural and there is no point getting upset about it, the only way that you could never make a mistake, would be to do nothing.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I really love Einstein's quotes and I hope you do too! Before I finish I have to show you this:

Have a magical day and I'll see you tommorow! Byeeeeeeee!



1 comment:

  1. I love them all and I hope that Einstein did actually say all this stuff!

    Thank :D


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine