Hey guys, welcome to Day 5 of DailyAugust! Today's post is going to be about my proudest moments. I get way more excited when a friend of mine achieves something compared to when I achieve something so I'm mainly going to write about times where I have felt proud of my friends. Let's go!
I have a lot of friends that are gymnasts or enjoy gymnastics and we all know the great feeling of getting the move that you have been working on! This applies to everything that you have been working really hard on. It's different to watch someone progress to be the person that is progressing because when you're learning something you are always trying the next friend but being on the sidelines, you can see how they far have come.
Now I want to talk about my old school. There is this thing called the MacNamara and at the Year 6 Leaving Ceremony, it's basically the best overall student. Me and my best friend Sophie are really good friends with a girl called Haylea, she was nominated for it. Sophie and me were sitting together and then the time came for Haylea to take the stage! She had a presentation organized saying all the things that made her the person that should win it (four people were nominated). Half way through the presentation Sophie and me burst into tears because we were so proud!
Everyday that I see Sophie, I get more proud of her, she is always nice to people but she knows how to stand up for herself. And she achieves something everytime she goes to tumbling! She always makes me so proud of her, I can't pick just one moment!
Thanks for reading guys! I have a special announcement post that will be up today or tommorow so get excited for that! I hope that you're having a great day and I'll see you later on today or tommorow with that post, byeeeeeeee!
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<3 Catherine