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Saturday, 1 August 2015

Day 1: The Story Behind My Blog Name | DailyAugust

Hey guys, as I said earlier today, I'm going to be doing the 30 Day Blogging Challenge, I'm calling it DailyAugust. Today's subject I how I came up with my blog name, Smiley Central. I'm also going to tell you what inspired me to start a blog, let's go!

I have always loved YouTube, I loved watching YouTubers and I wanted to make videos on the internet but I only knew about expensive cameras and lights and I didn't know that most people start YouTube with a webcam, I also felt too young to make videos, nobody would take me seriously at my age, they would just leave comments saying how cute I was which was not what I wanted at all. If you have been reading my blog for a while then you will know that I like posting about deep things, that was what I wanted to do with my videos bu I doubted that people would want to listen to a little kid psychologically analysing things. They would be so restricted by my ae and probably wouldn't actually listen to what I had to say.

Then I found out about Zoella's blog and I thought that blogging was a good idea, you could do it anywhere and you didn't even have to be dressed up. Another thing that I thought was pretty cool was that you didn't need to pay for video editors, you just needed a brain. Something that held me back a few years was not having my own computer, I didn't know that you could sign out of your blog so that nobody saw it so I just kept watching YouTube videos and occasionally reading Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter's blog's.

I then went to intermediate and I was put in a BYOC (bring your own computer) class, meaning that I got my very own computer! This was very exciting and for about a month after I got it, I just used it for what I used my Mum's computer for and school. I got a home account and I did nothing interesting with it really. Until I remembered about Zoella's blog and wondered if I could start a blog, I found out about Blogger and on the 30th of April 2015 I did! I sat staring at the computer, Blogger asked me to write in a screen name, I thought that this meant the name of my blog (I honestly knew nothing about blogging) so I thought about it. I'm a happy person so I had the first part: Smiley. I have always liked to think that happy people have their own little space, that was when Smiley Central came to me. In one of my widgets I said something like: "The more people in Smiley Central, the better!" I didn't mean it like "FOLLOW ME!!!" I just meant that you can become a part of Happy Town  whenever you want, Smiley Central kind of means that happiness is a choice. Now here I am four months and two days later, writing this post in bed and emotionally preparing myself for 30 days of daily blogging!

Thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed that post about how I started blogging and why I called this blog Smiley Central. Have a great day and I'll see you tomorrow, byeeeeeeee!



1 comment:

  1. Thank so much Rainbow! I want to be a phycologist when I'm older so I hope that my knowledge will grow then. Maybe when I had that job I will still have a blog and I can give actual hard evidence why things are the way they are. Thanks again Rainbow, you comments honestly make me so happy!

    Thanks (for the third time) :D


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine