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Saturday 30 April 2016

Why I Blog | One Year Blogging Anniversary

Hey guys! I have a hopefully inspirational post planned for the very special day that is (drumroll) my one year blogging anniversary! I'm going to be talking about an Emma Watson quote (I bet you can't guess what it is haha) and why I blog. I am proud of this little baby (my blog) that I have created, I have put my entire being into it, I hope you like it too.

I started out blogging for no exciting reason, I saw other people doing blogging and YouTube and literally just thought "oh, that might be fun". I blog for many reasons a year later but here's the main one is that I have something to say. In the "real" world (to me blogging is real but I needed to get my point across), some (okay, most people older than me) people don't hear or choose to ignore what I'm saying. Maybe it's because they think "she's just a teen that thinks they know better than everybody else". I love knowledge and I want to learn from the generations before me but I want this respect to be returned. Those generations have taught me a lot and this generation has something to teach too. On my blog, people read what I have to say and reflect on it (that's my impression, I'm going by the comments you publish and the emails you send to me) instead of ignoring everything I say because I'm young. The quote in the picture above is from Emma Watson (one of the best people of all time) and it really inspires me to blog about what I know. Everybody has something important to tell the world that will change lives. I recommend you tell the world what you have to say before it's too late. We CAN and WILL change the world and I'm gonna do it through blogging - how about you?

Thank you very much for reading this blog post, today means a lot to me. I hope you have been inspired to make your mark on the world. Even though this blog post isn't going to solve all of the world's problems, I believe that you and me and everybody else reading this, can make a small difference in this world.

I feel like, as it's my one year blogging anniversary, I can ask you if you would like to follow my blog on Bloglovin'. I recently joined so I want to tell, how else are you going to find out haha!




  1. Every teen has something to share. Every age does, my thought too. It would be nice to have the courage to say what I think, but I don't know why I see it as "news creating". It does hurt. Anyway, great quote and congrats on your one year anni. Your blog is so nice to read, and it's always nice to reflect on things learnt. Anyway, take care :)

    1. That is honestly so true! I think you should go ahead and say what you think. If not in "real' life, blogging is a great first step, what you say will be valued and respected in this lovely community. I hope you know that if it isn't, that person will have me and a handful of other people in the blogging community to answer to xx
      <3 Catherine

  2. Congratulations on one year! That quote is such a good one- Emma Watson is such a big inspiration! And I agree completely- everyone has something to teach and to share, even if it's only something small, but that doesn't matter!
    Elise xxx

    1. Thank you Elise! I agree Emma Watson is Queen! Everybody has a mind and the right to share, thanks again!
      <3 Catherine

  3. Thank you Rainbow, I want to blog forever! You saying that I am an inspiration means a lot as you are possibly the most inspirational person I know. You are a phenomenal and kind person Rainbow, I deeply appreciate you and all you teach me, thank you.
    <3 Catherine

  4. It's amazing that you have been blogging for a year. I think it is so important for everyone to recognize who they are and what they can do to better the world. My dad always tells me, "I'm not asking you to be perfect, just better than you were yesterday."



Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine