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Monday 4 April 2016

Q&A with The Art Of Being Invisible | Q&A Week

Hey guys! I'm so happy to be sharing with you the Q&A I did with Erin from The Art of Being Invisible! She is such a lovely person with an amazing ability to write. Erin is actually taking a little break from her blog due to personal issues but she has told me that she is doing her best to return so definitely check out her previous posts! Without further ado, here is the Q&A I did with Erin, I hope you enjoy it!

1. Why do you blog?
When I first started blogging, it was because I wanted to make YouTube videos but didn't feel completely confident in doing that. I decided that having a blog was the next best thing. But now it's changed a little and I blog because for me it's a place where I can talk about whatever I want, whenever I want. I can discuss things that I like and what goes on in my life which outside of my blog I can't always do.

2. If you could change one thing about your blogging experience, what would it be?
I guess I would change the fact that my blog is mostly anonymous. I'd like to be open with who I am and share pictures but I have always had this fear (which I talk about all the time) that someone I know from the non internet world will find my blog and read it. I'd like to change this because I do think the whole blogging experience would be different if I weren't so afraid and I think it would improve my blog.

3. Do you have any advice for new bloggers?
Everyone says this but my advice would be to just start writing. Write what ever is on your mind and write it whenever you like. Don't try to stick to a schedule straight away because you need to get used to what you're writing without limits. And don't just write what everyone else is writing or talking about just because you think they'll enjoy it more because it can get boring.

4. What is the best thing to come out of blogging for you?
That's definitely the other blogs and bloggers I've found. I love reading what other people write and blogging myself has meant I can see that even more. Joining Beau Bloggers has helped and it's great to get support from there and to support the people from there.

5. What do you think is the hardest thing about running a blog?
For me the hardest part of running a blog is finding the motivation to post. I've had so many weeks were I planned to write but just couldn't sit down and do it which is why I've had a few phases where I didn't post for months. But so far, I've always come back.

6. What are you favourite types of blog posts to write?
Probably lifestyle posts where I talk about what I've been doing or how I've been feeling. They're the most honest and easy to write. Although I have also enjoyed writing three posts (more soon) of mine about people who inspire me because they're the ones which make me feel creative.

7. What the best thing about blogging in your opinion?
I think the best thing about blogging is when you get comments on a post you've published. Not because it means views or that you're becoming 'popular'. But because someone out there in the real world had a real human thought about something you've written and they've decided to share it. It only takes a minute or two but for me, the fact that someone (even if it's just one person) actually felt any kind of emotion towards what I've written that's made them comment it's amazing.

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know Erin a bit better, she is such a nice person and I hope that you check out her blog, it's wonderful! Thank you very much for reading and I will talk to you all tomorrow with another special guest!




  1. I enjoyed this Q&A, nice getting to know Erin x

    Lauren -

    1. Thank you very much Lauren, I enjoyed finding out more about Erin too!
      <3 Catherine

  2. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this it was great. Hopefully I'll be back to blogging soon xx

    1. No Erin, thank you, I had so much fun working with you! I believe that you can xx
      <3 Catherine


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine