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Thursday, 9 July 2015

Your Feelings Are Valid

Hey guys, today I wanted to tackle a problem that has been floating around the interwebs because I strongly believe that whatever you are feeling is valid, I'm going to explain why, understanding usually helps me. I will also give you some tips.

Before I start the post, I just want to tell you something that I'm very excited about, Zoella is going to be posting on her blog again!!! If you didn't know, Zoella is a YouTuber and blogger. Her YouTube channel has around 8.5 million subscribers! Well the news is that she will be posting again near Halloween and Christmas. This may not seem like a big thing if you don't know much about Zoella's blog, but she hasn't posted since the start of December last year! She informed her viewers that she is planning video and blog post ideas, WOOHOO! Okay now you can enjoy the post:

I want you to understand that what you are feeling is happening for a reason, if that feeling was not meant to happen then it wouldn't have, everything that you feel is natural. It's important to remember this because often when you are feeling hate, sadness, anger or negative you question whether or not you should be feeling like this. When you hate someone or something, it's easy to trick yourself that what you are feeling is wrong but every feeling is natural.

When people get sad they feel like they should cheer themselves up straight away but sometimes feeling upset is a good thing. When something bad happens, it often feels good to have a big cry or however you channel your sadness, it gives you a sense of relief a lot of the time. You have probably heard that keeping things bottled up inside you is not that great for you but people still do it! You need to stop seeing this as a cliche and actually ask yourself how many times you have avoided sadness with YouTube or Netflix.
Now would be a good time to point out that there is a difference between sadness and depression. If you are feeling sad for a long period of time and you aren't getting any relief then you need to ask yourself if you are sad or depressed. If you are sad for no particular reason then it may be depression (if you are in the 11-18 age area then it may just be the hormones).

Even though feeling negative is natural, it's best not to always be that way. If you have had a really bad day then you might not want to be happy throughout the day but when you get in bed, I want you to list the really great things and people in your life, it could be your friend or your guinea pigs or even big things like having a child. This can help you get a more positive outlook on things. If you think that you life is still crap, then compare you life with other people's (I give you permission to ignore all morals at this point, you don't need to tell anybody about it), think about the people with no home and no snuggly blankets to cuddle when it's cold. If that doesn't work then stop trying for that day and go to sleep, you should wake up fresh the next day, if you don't, then repeat. If this isn't working for a long period of time then you need to ask yourself if it's a particular thing or person that's making you feel this way, if it is then do all you can to get the unhealthy thing or person out of your life, I know this can be hard if the person is in your class or workplace but just remember that you might be doing something wrong to make them act like this.

If you don't have somebody that you talk to about these feeling then they just get worse, but if you aren't really the type that talks about their feelings then it might be a bit hard to trust people and to know who to talk to. If you have a friend that makes jokes at everything then you probably shouldn't talk to them because they will either make a joke about your feelings or not know what to do. If you have a calm friend that is emotional and helpful then that would be the way to go. The ideal person to talk to would offer their advice or if they have none, just a sympathetic ear, which can be helpful. You can send your problems to my email address and I will reply to you with my advice, click HERE to send that email, you can also send me normal chatty emails so that I can get to know you.

Thanks for reading, I hope I could help. I just realized that it's quite fitting to talk about feelings since this blog is called Smiley Central! I hope you're having a great day and I will talk soon,  probably with something a little bit more light-hearted, I have some ideas. Okay, byeeeeeeeeee!

Pageview count: 828 (wait, how did that happen?!)

New Code: S




  1. I'm glad I could help Rainbow! It's easy to get angry at yourself for feeling bad negative things but in way being angry at yourself for feeling negative is okay, now I'm just confusing myself!

    Thanks :D

  2. I feel so honoured to have my name in your blog, I know that sounds corny but it's true! I'm going to have to do some discovering with the 15 (or 10) blogs but of course I would like to take part!

    Thank :D


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine