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Sunday, 26 July 2015

#YOLO | Series One Episode 4

Hey guys, happy Tuesday! This weeks #YOLO episode is going to be my tips on being happy! I hope you are enjoying this weekly series and I hope that you enjoy this post, let's go!

My first tip is to ask yourself if you will still be worried about your problem in five years. If you won't then is this miniscule problem really worth your time? If your problem is going to effect you in five years then give yourself a certain amount of time to be upset (Rainbow-Rose Blossom's post on this) then once that time is over you can get on with your one and only life. You will find that most of your problems will not concern you in five years.

If you are struggling to keep your feelings inside a time frame then you can try this technique. Think about how big the universe is, how long the planets and stars have been here, think about how many people are on earth. Then think about yourself. You are tiny, you have only been here for a few decades and you are one person. Think always helps me remember how small my problems are and how the world will keep spinning if somebody calls you ugly or fat (but don't do that).

Being happy is very important for many obvious reasons so I hoped that I helped you do that! As I said when I first started this blog, the higher the population in Smiley Central, the better! Have a great day, byeeeeeee!




  1. Such a great post Catherine. Those are very good ways to be happy.

    1. Thanks Grapes, another way to be happy is to surround yourself with amazing people like you!

      THanks :D

  2. Awww thanks Rainbow!

    Thanks :D

  3. Awww thanks Rainbow!

    Thanks :D


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine