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Saturday, 11 July 2015

I'm Confused | Let's Chat

Hey guys, today I just wanted to have a little chat to you. These posts are some of my favourite to read so I thought you might like it too! If you see "Let's Chat" in the title of my posts then it just means that I didn't plan the post much, I just felt like posting. I have the habit of talking about something, then that something leading me on to something else so this post will probably be easy to right. Wow, the intro is long today!

I need your help, I'm really confused after reading this on a blog that I won't say the name of:
In New Zealand, the sea and the ocean are the same thing! Is this not the case in the rest of the world or is this blogger just having a blonde moment?! That reminds me, up until I was 8 or 9 I always thought that blonde was spelt without the 'e' on the end, I don't know what made me think this but 'blond' still looks right to me.

I have a tip for sadness: think back to yourself as a five to eight year-old, would that person be happy with who you today? My self at that age would be very happy with me now because I have a blog that makes other people smile!

I am really, really proud to be a Hufflepuff! I think that nearly all Hufflepuffs are left-handed and right-brained because the traits between Hufflepuffs and right-brained people are the same! If you are right-brained, are you in Hufflepuff and if you are in Hufflepuff are you right-brained? I feel like I'm the only one who understands me at this point so I'll explain it to you, left-handed people are more likely to be right brained and vice versa, this is because the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and vice versa so if you are stronger on you left side then you are likely to be right-brained.

I have a game for you: guess how old I am in the comments below!

That's three things to tell me in the comments section:

1. In your country, are the lake and the ocean the same thing? By the way, I'm not trying to be mean, for 9 years I thought that blonde was spelt 'blond'! We all have our misconceptions.

2. If you are a Hufflepuff, are you right-brained? HERE is a test to see if you are right or left-brained and click HERE to see which Harry Potter house you are in.

3. How old am I? Please don't say if you know my age.

I hope to see some comments answering those! I'll post soon! I have been getting into a great posting schedule but there are only 8 days of the holidays left but I'll try to keep this up in school! Byeeeeeee!

I almost have 1,000 pageviews!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rainbow, you are right!

    Thanks :D


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine