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Wednesday, 29 July 2015

It's Grace!!!

Hey guy's, it's Grace from Bloggin'Grapes!!!

Today Catherine is at my house because we take her to gymnastics. We decided to switch computers and do a guest post on each other's blogs. So if you were wondering why I'm on Catherines blog doing a post, there is your explanation. If you want to read what Catherine has written click HERE!! to read it. (Now I'm going to what Catherine does) A part from that welcome back to Smiley Central (HEHEHE).

Todays post is going to be about . . . Catherine wearing her new glasses at school today.

Let's go.

Today when I got to school and Catherine turned around to give me a hug (happens every morning) she had her glasses on. I forgot that she was getting them today so when she turned around I was like WHOAAA!!! She really suits her glasses so if she lets me I will put a photo of her wearing her glasses below this line. OK so she didn't want a photo of her on here so here are her glasses. She doesn't want pictures of her on the internet so I am going to respect that because I'm the same. So here are the glasses:

They suit her so much. But anyway back to the topic.

So once the bell rang and we were leaving Catherine just suddenly stopped. I was like Catherine what are you doing. She said was like OMG look at the grass. I was like yip it's grass alright, now come on. Catherine: "No, just stop and look at the grass. You can see each little strand of grass." (She actually said glass because she was getting her words jumbled up but anyway . . .) Grace: "Yes it has always been like that." She was like "Yeah I know but still look at it." Then we walked off.

Before that when we were walking towards the turf to give one of our friends there computer charger. Again Catherine stopped and admired the concrete. Catherine: "WHOAA there are stones in the concrete." Grace: "WHO NEW!!!!" Catherine "No, seriously before I got my glasses the concrete used to be a big, gray concrete blob. There was no detail in it at all!" 

She was pretty much like that all day. She just blabbed on all day about the ground. It was so funny.



Tuesday, 28 July 2015

New YouTube Video

Hey guys, today is just going to be a quick post about my new YouTube video because I have to go pick up my glasses!!! Okay, click HERE to watch me new video, while you're there you can give it a like ;D. I hope that you enjoy it!!!



Sunday, 26 July 2015

#YOLO | Series One Episode 4

Hey guys, happy Tuesday! This weeks #YOLO episode is going to be my tips on being happy! I hope you are enjoying this weekly series and I hope that you enjoy this post, let's go!

My first tip is to ask yourself if you will still be worried about your problem in five years. If you won't then is this miniscule problem really worth your time? If your problem is going to effect you in five years then give yourself a certain amount of time to be upset (Rainbow-Rose Blossom's post on this) then once that time is over you can get on with your one and only life. You will find that most of your problems will not concern you in five years.

If you are struggling to keep your feelings inside a time frame then you can try this technique. Think about how big the universe is, how long the planets and stars have been here, think about how many people are on earth. Then think about yourself. You are tiny, you have only been here for a few decades and you are one person. Think always helps me remember how small my problems are and how the world will keep spinning if somebody calls you ugly or fat (but don't do that).

Being happy is very important for many obvious reasons so I hoped that I helped you do that! As I said when I first started this blog, the higher the population in Smiley Central, the better! Have a great day, byeeeeeee!



A Letter To My Best Friend

Hey guys, today I wanted to write that letter to my best friend that I mentioned a few days ago, sorry about the inside jokes that you probably won't understand. Let's go!

Dear Soph-a-Doph,

I miss you but sometimes I think that it's a good thing that we're apart, it proves that we will last in life when we can't see each other everyday plus we have more to talk about now! I saw a quote that said, being best friends isn't being inseperable, it's being seperated and nothing changes." I agreed with that but for you and me, being seperated just made our freindship stronger. I hope your doing well but I'm probably with you now since your brother won't let you use his computer to read this.

It's funny how we can cheer each other up in a few words, hu, BURITO SELFIE. Your are the thing that makes me laugh unconditionally, remember the milkshake incident? That was because of laughter. I bet your laughing now, I bet we both are, side by side. The other thing that sends me into fits of laughter is a lot of ice cream . . .

It's funny how close we remain when we're in different places, whenever I am sad and my friends surround and comfort me, all I can think is "I want Sophie!" Because you always know exactly what I want you to say. When people talk about their soulmate that mean it in a romantic way but I think I found my soulmate in you, sorry to be corny ;).

I have said what I want to in this letter but I will never run out of things to say to you because I know your always listening.

Now I need to remember that I am actually writing a post! If you have anything else to add then you can do this post too! Have a magical day!



Saturday, 25 July 2015

15 Minute Brownies

Hey guys, I have just baked some delicious, easy brownies, yum! I thought I would give you the recipe so that you can taste the goodness! Nobody can tell that these are microwaved brownies. The prep is 10-15 minutes and it only takes around 5 minutes to bake and half an hour to cool! Let's get going!


100g melted butter

1 cup sugar

3/4 cup plain flour

1/4 cup cocoa powder

2 eggs

1/2 cup chocolate chips (or more ;D)


Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.

Pour in to a lined microwave-safe rectangle bowl and cook on high for approximately 5 minutes {based on a 1200w microwave}.

Leave to cool for 30 minutes, dust with icing sugar, cut into slices and enjoy!

I hope that you baked that simple brownie and enjoyed it! Send me photos of your delicious brownie HERE and I will feature it on this blog! Have a great day!



Friday, 24 July 2015


I'm so excited over a new blog! It's actually not that new, let's just say it's a returning blog that used to be called Gymnasticsgirl!

Grace's new blog is called BlogginGrapes and she posts every Wednesday. This is a better, more realistic schedule, when you post at a specific time everyday, posting becomes a chore that you have to get through and the fun is gone, I try to post everyday but if I don't then I'm not worried. I think that Grace will stick to this blog for a bit longer than Gymnasticsgirl because she doesn't have the pressure of posting daily.

I really want you to head over to Grace's new blog and support her. Grace a genuinely great person and I think that you will love her and her amazing blog!

I hope you enjoyed that update on the return of Graces blog! I have to get ready for school but I'll talk soon, byeeeeeeee!



Thursday, 23 July 2015

Friendship Quotes

Hey guys, today I'm just going to show you heaps of pictures of quotes on friendship, her we go!

I hope you enjoyed those quotes, I know that I enjoyed finding them! I feel really inspired so I might do a post called "A Letter To My Best Friend", I have some ideas for that post! I hope that you are having a magical day and I hope that some of those quotes added some magic to your day. Tell me in the comments which one was your favourite! Thanks for reading, byeeeeeeeee!



Tuesday, 21 July 2015

#YOLO | Series One Episode 3

Hey guys, from now on I will be posting a new episode of #YOLO every Tuesday and since today is Tuesday, it would be a good idea to post one! This one is going to be about confidence, I'm pretty sure that we all have insecurities and wish that we could change things about ourselves, but it's important to have confidence and feel good about yourself so here are some of my tips.

My first tip is to think about what physical things boost your confidence. Maybe a dress that brings out your eyes or a piece of jewelry that makes you feel beautiful, whatever it is, wear it! If you have been considering getting a tattoo (that you have thought long and hard about) then get it, if you don't want something permanent on your skin then you could get a temporary tattoo to boost your confidence. Maybe you could get your ears pierced, then you could get some shiny earrings that make you feel as if you just stepped out of a Hollywood movie! You know yourself better than anyone so find out what makes you happy and do/get/wear it!

The next one is all about self love, you're going to need a pen, paper and a mirror. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what makes you beautiful, inside and out, for example I love the way my fringe curls and I love how I am happy a lot of the time. I love my blue eyes and how I do my best to help people with this blog. What about you? Write all those things down, you could also write down what people have complimented you on. Don't think for a second that you are being vain, you're not, you are simply loving yourself, a great thing to remember: Before you love others, you must first love yourself, by doing this you are loving others! I read about a great idea on Rainbow-Rose's blog, write those thing that you love about yourself on your body, I really love this idea for the physical things, you can write about the beautiful things right next to them.

This next one goes two ways. When someone compliments you, you feel good right? I have a rule that you can use to boost other people's confidence, I compliment at least five different people everyday. This could be on the internet or when you are walking down the street. It will boost people's confidence and it will make you feel good about yourself. If everybody followed this rule then you would be getting five compliments a day (if I've done my maths right ;D)! Spread the love and compliment people at every opportunity!

I hope you enjoy that episode of #YOLO! Get that temporary tattoo! Write down how awesome you are and compliment random strangers on the street! Love you all and I'll post soon!



Monday, 20 July 2015

No Offence

Hey guys, recently I have been thinking about something and to be honest I don't really know where to start, it's touchy, complex subject. But I'll do my best. This post is basically going to be about resolving things by simply not being offended, this has been playing on my mind for a while so I wanted to see what you think.

Something came up on the news a few weeks ago about somebody saying something and thousands of people got really offended, then about a week later Prince Philip said something offensive. But what would happen if we just didn't get offended? I am not at all saying that being offended is bad or unacceptable, it is completely okay to be offended when someone says that your culture or religion is wrong. But it think that it's a bit OTT to get offended when somebody calls your cat fat, true story, this happened to me and I actually got a bit offended, I didn't want to get offended, but I did, which just goes to show that you can't always control your emotions. All I am saying is that it's nice to wonder what it would be like without this feeling, there would be positives and also negatives, just like removing any feelings. If you couldn't get sad then you couldn't be sad when a friend passed away but it would be positive in some ways too. It would be good if we could control our emotions but we can't so I should probably get over it. It's nice to wonder though!

Fact: saying "no offence" does not make your statement any less offensive so just don't say it!

What is your opinion on that subject? Tell me in the comments. I hope that you enjoyed that post! Have a magical day!



Sunday, 19 July 2015

I'm The Kind Of Girl Tag

Hey guys, I thought I would hit you with a second post because I wrote it all yesterday but I couldn't publish it because the internet crashed! Okay, let's go!

I was in the supermarket when I had an idea for a tag that might float around the blogging community, it's called the I'm The Kind Of Girl Tag. It's where the person tagged says five statements that make them unique. Then you tag five more people. I hope that you might feel inspired to embrace your quirks!

A big thanks to ME for nominating ME! ;D

The Rules*

- Thank the person who tagged you
- Include a link to their blog
- Write five statements beginning with 'I'm the kind of girl'
- Tag five or more people
- Include a link to your nominations' blogs
-Set a date for anyone not nominated to participate

*Include the rules

My Statements

I'm the kind of girl who dances around the supermarket.

I'm the kind of girl who pulls out the frame at a disco.

I'm the kind of girl that corrects ur grmmr your grammar.

I'm the kind of girl that thinks everything is cute (including trees).

I'm the kind of girl that loves inspirational quotes.

I Nominate . . .

If you are not on this list and you want to participate then you can on the 30th of July.

I hope you enjoyed this tag and I hope you participate and enjoy it! If you are the same as me for any of my statements or know someone then you can comment down below! I hope that this tag spreads self-love and always remember to embrace your quirks (I think I might do a #YOLO episode because that is a quality statement ;D) Have a magical day and I'll post soon! :D



The Blogging Community

Hey guys, recently I have been thinking about the blogging community and what I learnt about it in my first few months of blogging. Before I started Smiley Central I had heard of the blogging community but I didn't really understand it. I have also been thinking about about the difference between YouTube and blogging. So I thought I would write a post about it.

Before I started blogging I had heard of the blogging community in Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter's videos but I didn't really know anything about it, I guess I kind of thought that it was like youtube. You know, only people on the 1 million + subscribers youtubers can be friends and make collabs (that's probably not what it's like at all but that's what I thought). In the first few months of having Smiley Central the only audience I was worried about were the kids at school but now I realise that the whole world is my audience!

The difference between YouTube and Blogger is that on YouTube, a lot of people watch that don't create content but on blogger, the people that are reading are likely to be creating content, this creates a community of people commenting on each others posts and leaving links to their blogs and actually having a pretty good friendship, I love this aspect of blogging. On Blogger it doesn't really matter how many pageviews or followers you have, you can still be part of this community but it feels like on YouTube you have to have millions of people watching to be a part of the community.

I don't know if I'm right, what do you think? Tell me in the comments. I feel so privileged to be a part of the blogging community, it feels like I have been on Blogger forever and i has become a second nature to write a post but I have only had this blog for four months at the end of this month.

I hope you enjoyed that post and I'll talk soon, byeeeeeeeeee!



Thursday, 16 July 2015

I Need Glasses

Hey guys, yesterday I went to the optometrist because I failed a screening test at school. I was told that I need glasses and I'm actually excited!

First you go into a little room and people blind you with the flash if the camera, taking a picture of your EYEBALL.

Then you go into the room with the giant machinery (that I sadly didn't get to use) and a big comfy chair. You sit in the chair and across the room there is a screen, on the screen there are letters and numbers and they try different lenses on you to see which works for you. You also read and look at things close up.
Image result for optometrist room

The optometrist told me that I have a common eye problem called astigmatism, it means that I see everything blurry because my eye is slightly lemon-shaped. My Mum and my Mum's Dad have the same problem.

Then I had to chose my two frames. This took just under an hour. The first pair are dark purple with a peachy-pink colour underneath and the second pair looks like this:
These are the exact ones.

I think that I will wear the ones above more than the purple one because they are a bit more neutral and the shape suits my face more. I couldn't get a picture of the purple one but they are a slightly more rectangular.

Now I have to wait thirteen days (yes, I'm counting) for them to be made so that I can go and pick them up!

I always thought that everybody saw the world like me and now that I have tried the lenses of my new glasses, everything seems blurry!

Having astigmatism often mean that you squint in order to do a certain activity which can cause, tired, sore eyes, headaches and fatigue which is why it is important to correct the problem with glasses, contacts or surgery (I'm good with the first two options ;D).

In the first few days of having the glasses I will most likely see round objects oval and flat things bowed but that should wear off.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you learned something from this post! If you think that you might have an eye problem then you should get it checked out. Okay, byeeeeeeeeeee!



Monday, 13 July 2015

My First Ever Youtube Video

Hey guys, I just uploaded my first ever YouTube video! It's not edited but I think it's okay if I do say so myself! In my video I just talk about an embarrassing story that I haven't written about here! If you want to see that video then click HERE! I would be lovely if you subscribed, then you will get told when I make a new video!

Tomorrow I am going to the optometrist to see if I need glasses! People are saying that I am crazy (which I am) for wanting glasses but I do! If I do need glasses then I want to get squarish 'nerd' ones.

I'm sorry that this post was short, I'll post something more detailed soon, maybe the friendship tag with Sophie since I am going over to her's tomorrow after the optometrist. Byeeeeeee!

Code: C



Saturday, 11 July 2015

I'm Confused | Let's Chat

Hey guys, today I just wanted to have a little chat to you. These posts are some of my favourite to read so I thought you might like it too! If you see "Let's Chat" in the title of my posts then it just means that I didn't plan the post much, I just felt like posting. I have the habit of talking about something, then that something leading me on to something else so this post will probably be easy to right. Wow, the intro is long today!

I need your help, I'm really confused after reading this on a blog that I won't say the name of:
In New Zealand, the sea and the ocean are the same thing! Is this not the case in the rest of the world or is this blogger just having a blonde moment?! That reminds me, up until I was 8 or 9 I always thought that blonde was spelt without the 'e' on the end, I don't know what made me think this but 'blond' still looks right to me.

I have a tip for sadness: think back to yourself as a five to eight year-old, would that person be happy with who you today? My self at that age would be very happy with me now because I have a blog that makes other people smile!

I am really, really proud to be a Hufflepuff! I think that nearly all Hufflepuffs are left-handed and right-brained because the traits between Hufflepuffs and right-brained people are the same! If you are right-brained, are you in Hufflepuff and if you are in Hufflepuff are you right-brained? I feel like I'm the only one who understands me at this point so I'll explain it to you, left-handed people are more likely to be right brained and vice versa, this is because the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and vice versa so if you are stronger on you left side then you are likely to be right-brained.

I have a game for you: guess how old I am in the comments below!

That's three things to tell me in the comments section:

1. In your country, are the lake and the ocean the same thing? By the way, I'm not trying to be mean, for 9 years I thought that blonde was spelt 'blond'! We all have our misconceptions.

2. If you are a Hufflepuff, are you right-brained? HERE is a test to see if you are right or left-brained and click HERE to see which Harry Potter house you are in.

3. How old am I? Please don't say if you know my age.

I hope to see some comments answering those! I'll post soon! I have been getting into a great posting schedule but there are only 8 days of the holidays left but I'll try to keep this up in school! Byeeeeeee!

I almost have 1,000 pageviews!

Code: U



Friday, 10 July 2015

School Toilet Fears . . .

Hey guys, I just wanted to do a light-hearted post. I have recently realized how afraid I am of school toilets! Don't click the (annoyingly tiny) exit button yet, just read, I will do my best to either make you laugh or be relatable. The latter may be difficult, I think that I'm the only one!

When I was younger, my sister was waiting outside the toilet because I got there first (Haha SUCKER, I get to pee before you, badass much?), when I came out she said, "Don't worry, I use a lot of toilet paper too," this seriously made me question everything in my life, A LOT OF TOILET PAPER?! I still am entirely convinced that I use a lot of toilet paper. I now hate going toilet in public or school toilets because the other people in the toilets will probably hear me rolling toilet paper. I always try to roll the toilet paper quietly but it doesn't help when  the cleaners forget unlock the (way to complicated) toilet paper machine thingy, then I'm just trying to get toilet paper out and failing miserably. I secretly (not actually that secret since I'm putting it on the internet) think that the cleaners hate me and they want me to look like an idiot.

The next reason that I am daunted by trips to the public/school toilets is people hearing me pee. Everytime I go toilet, I fear people hearing me urinate. I know why I'm afraid but it's hard to put into words but I'll try my best! Everybody has a different sound when they urinate, for nearly everybody there is a drip factor and a  flowing factor. I don't really know why I don't want people to hear my tone, I just don't.

The next reason to avoid public toilets is people seeing my underwear. I really don't ever want anyone to see my underwear, it has gotten to the point where I put my underwear so far up my legs (so that there would be no chance at all of people seeing my underwear) that I can't even wipe because I can't separate my legs! I know that I probably shouldn't be posting this information on the internet.

So that was my random post on a random subject! I hope you enjoyed it! If you normally leave comments on my blog please don't feel like you have to for this post, I know that this post will not appeal to everyone but I thought some people might like it so I wrote and posted it anyway! Have a wonderful day TeamSmiley!

Code (New Word): M



Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Versatile Blogger Award

Today I am going to be Versatile Blogger Award! I hope you enjoy it!

A big thank you to Rainbow-Rose Blossom. She has a wonderful blog, she posts a lot of inspiration and her positive soul makes me love her and her blog!

The Rules

Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you've recently discovered or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

My Facts

1. I am a complete book nerd, I love The Fault In Our Stars, Girl Online and Harry Potter. I am currently reading the second book in The Hunger Games.

2. I go to a school that I didn't want to go to, I begged my Mum for years to go to that school all my friends went to but she said no (this isn't because she's mean, it's because it would take us around 15 minutes to get to the other school). The school I go to has boosted my confidence and it's the main reason I created this blog, talk about fate!

3. My oldest sister goes to uni, she is training to be a personal trainer. I thought this would be a good fact for you Rainbow!

4. My other sister overcame anorexia. Now she is a great, muscly horse rider!

5. I love watching YouTube, my favourite is probably Zoella.

6. I didn't really read blogs until I started this one. Now I understand the supportive blogging community.

7. The last and probably most important fact is that I'm a proud Hufflepuff!

My Nominations

I'm only going to do 10 because I want to ensure that the posts are great, nah, I'm just kidding, I'm just being lazy.

Katie Melissa from viva la vida.

Alice from The Velvet Black.
Eleanor from Eleanor's Adventures.

Melissa from The Ice Cream Hut.

Sarah from Sarah Anne.

Emerald from The Emerald Dove.

Lauren from Prefer to be Demure.

Crystal from Crystallized Daisies.

I hope you enjoyed this post! A big thanks to Rainbow for nominating me! I'll post soon, byeeeeee!

I don't need to do a pageview count anymore because I found out how to add it. Just hover your cursor on the right side and click on the stats image, it will tell you how many pageviews I have!

Code: O



Your Feelings Are Valid

Hey guys, today I wanted to tackle a problem that has been floating around the interwebs because I strongly believe that whatever you are feeling is valid, I'm going to explain why, understanding usually helps me. I will also give you some tips.

Before I start the post, I just want to tell you something that I'm very excited about, Zoella is going to be posting on her blog again!!! If you didn't know, Zoella is a YouTuber and blogger. Her YouTube channel has around 8.5 million subscribers! Well the news is that she will be posting again near Halloween and Christmas. This may not seem like a big thing if you don't know much about Zoella's blog, but she hasn't posted since the start of December last year! She informed her viewers that she is planning video and blog post ideas, WOOHOO! Okay now you can enjoy the post:

I want you to understand that what you are feeling is happening for a reason, if that feeling was not meant to happen then it wouldn't have, everything that you feel is natural. It's important to remember this because often when you are feeling hate, sadness, anger or negative you question whether or not you should be feeling like this. When you hate someone or something, it's easy to trick yourself that what you are feeling is wrong but every feeling is natural.

When people get sad they feel like they should cheer themselves up straight away but sometimes feeling upset is a good thing. When something bad happens, it often feels good to have a big cry or however you channel your sadness, it gives you a sense of relief a lot of the time. You have probably heard that keeping things bottled up inside you is not that great for you but people still do it! You need to stop seeing this as a cliche and actually ask yourself how many times you have avoided sadness with YouTube or Netflix.
Now would be a good time to point out that there is a difference between sadness and depression. If you are feeling sad for a long period of time and you aren't getting any relief then you need to ask yourself if you are sad or depressed. If you are sad for no particular reason then it may be depression (if you are in the 11-18 age area then it may just be the hormones).

Even though feeling negative is natural, it's best not to always be that way. If you have had a really bad day then you might not want to be happy throughout the day but when you get in bed, I want you to list the really great things and people in your life, it could be your friend or your guinea pigs or even big things like having a child. This can help you get a more positive outlook on things. If you think that you life is still crap, then compare you life with other people's (I give you permission to ignore all morals at this point, you don't need to tell anybody about it), think about the people with no home and no snuggly blankets to cuddle when it's cold. If that doesn't work then stop trying for that day and go to sleep, you should wake up fresh the next day, if you don't, then repeat. If this isn't working for a long period of time then you need to ask yourself if it's a particular thing or person that's making you feel this way, if it is then do all you can to get the unhealthy thing or person out of your life, I know this can be hard if the person is in your class or workplace but just remember that you might be doing something wrong to make them act like this.

If you don't have somebody that you talk to about these feeling then they just get worse, but if you aren't really the type that talks about their feelings then it might be a bit hard to trust people and to know who to talk to. If you have a friend that makes jokes at everything then you probably shouldn't talk to them because they will either make a joke about your feelings or not know what to do. If you have a calm friend that is emotional and helpful then that would be the way to go. The ideal person to talk to would offer their advice or if they have none, just a sympathetic ear, which can be helpful. You can send your problems to my email address and I will reply to you with my advice, click HERE to send that email, you can also send me normal chatty emails so that I can get to know you.

Thanks for reading, I hope I could help. I just realized that it's quite fitting to talk about feelings since this blog is called Smiley Central! I hope you're having a great day and I will talk soon,  probably with something a little bit more light-hearted, I have some ideas. Okay, byeeeeeeeeee!

Pageview count: 828 (wait, how did that happen?!)

New Code: S



Sunday, 5 July 2015

#YOLO | Series One Episode 2

Hey guys, today I thought I would give you Episode 2 of Series 1 of #YOLO. This one going to be about self-acceptance, I have been reading a lot of posts from Rainbow-Rose Blossom and she is all for self-acceptance, she has a board on her pinterest and it has lots of inspiring self-love quotes. I'm going to have lots of different options because our insecurities are different, I also have a little interactive game for you. 

Interactive Game

In this game, I'm going to ask you to keep reading if . . .

If the step doesn't apply to you then skip to after the big obvious line.

Keep reading if this year you have thought something mean about yourself, it could be anything, you may think that your thighs are too big or too small, you may think you are too big or too thin, it could even be something stupid like your nails are too short or too stubby. It doesn't even have to be about your appearance, you may think that you are selfish and self-obsessed or mean or even that your happiness is annoying people. In reality, you probably aren't too anything, but I'll get to that later.

Okay, most of you are probably still reading because we all have insecurities. Keep reading if you have thought anything mean about yourself this month.

Now keep reading if you have thought something slightly mean about yourself this week.


Most of you are probably still reading but continue reading if somebody has actually said something mean about the thing you were worrying about this week.

I don't think many people are reading this because usually these things are just in your head. But if you are reading this because somebody has said something mean this week then if have some advice for you, shove it up their ass and say that you are the perfect you RIGHT NOW, because that's the truth!


Your challenge is to see yourself in a new light because that 'new light' is probably how the rest of the world always saw you. It is natural to have insecurities but it feels good to have as little as possible. 

The game above proves that people will hardly ever comment on the thing you are worried about because it's so insignificant. Worrying about something that nobody will notice is a bit of a waste of time in my opinion but you can make that choice for yourself. Even though these thoughts are probably always going to be in the back of your head, it's up to you whether you want to keep them there or make those thoughts into a big thing. 

Your challenge is too wear those shorts or that blouse that you were too afraid to wear a week ago. Just remember that to love others, you must first love yourself, embrace your quirks!

Thanks for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it. You may be getting a few more posts than you normally would because it's the school holidays!!! I'll talk soon, but I won't be able to post tomorrow because I'm going to a friends birthday. BYEEEEEEE!

Pageview count: 713

