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Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Truth About Reaching Out To Bloggers

Hey guys! I have had such an amazing time collaborating with seven of you lovelies in Q&A Week and I have learnt so much about collaborating. I want to share my knowledge on this subject with you all, if you have never collaborated with somebody, I know exactly how you feel. It's scary. Hopefully this list will make you feel a bit more confident when reaching out to other bloggers.

1. They are real people
One of the most important things to remember when reaching out to other bloggers is that they are people too. They won't try to hurt your feelings, they have feelings too. You are allowed to be scared of talking to them but it helps if you try to view these bloggers as people instead of professional monsters!

2. The worst thing they can say is no (which isn't likely)
(I just want to say that it is pretty unlikely that the blogger will say no, especially with if you have connected with each other in the past, even if that just means reading each other's posts.) Okay, worst case scenario - they say no. If they are going to say no, they will probably do so graciously, like I said before they are people with feelings! If this blogger says no, you might be a little upset, but you pick yourself up and you try again with another blogger and you have a great time.

3. Don't be scared of 'big' bloggers
I have a blogging friend called Lou from Lou's World (she's amazing, check her out), she has about ten times as many pageviews as I do, but for us, that's not a problem. I reached out to her, she reached out to me. It really always comes back to number one, these bloggers are people, if they like your work, pageviews shouldn't matter all that much. If they say no, and you can tell it's because they can't gain anything from you, it's not even worth collaborating with them. A collaboration should be fun, the sole purpose should NEVER be to gain pageviews.

4. You might make a friend
I have made so many blogging friends through Q&A Week, it's wonderful that we can talk on different sides of the world and be great friends. I have definitely sent and received emails that might not be entirely about the collaboration, we are talking as real friends, emailing each other about life. If you collaborate with somebody, you are going to get a wonderful post and possibly a real friend. Don't be scared of what could go wrong, give it a go!

So there are just a few of the things I have learnt in this giant collaboration project called Q&A Week, the most important thing to remember is to give collaborating a go, you won't regret it.




  1. That's very true, I'll Defo get involved in the next one x

    1. Thank you Lauren! I'm looking forward to next year even more now!
      <3 Catherine

  2. I completely agree Rainbow, this is warmest and most supportive community and I am so grateful to be apart of it. Thank you very much Rainbow, I hope you are having a wonderful day!
    <3 Catherine


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine