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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Male Feminists | Let's Talk About Feminism

All subjects talked about in this post are not meant to offend anybody. If I have offended you or if you disagree with me, comment on this post or alternatively, send me an email here. I would love to hear you opinions.

Hey guys! It's been a while since I last talked to you all and I apologise for that, thank you for your patience. As I said in my first Let's Talk About Feminism post, the second installment of the series is going to be about male feminists. Both of these topics are things something I am very passionate about, it is one of the stupidest myths about feminism and I really want to talk about the misconception. 

First of all, let's get things straight - males CAN be feminists. As I talked about in the first post in this series, feminism is the will for gender equality. That's it. Men are allowed to want equality, men are allowed for fight for equal rights, men can be feminists. Saying that men can't be feminists for the sole reason that they are men, is going against everything feminism stands for. Men and women have the equal right to fight for equality.

Another thing I wanted to talk about is the feeling of men being less manly if they are feminists. No, men are still men if they believe in equality... I think this came around because of the most common myth about feminism - "feminists are angry women that think they are better than men". This isn't true in any way of course. I think that once that first myth is cleared up, everything else will fall into place. My suggestion to men, if it comes up in conversation, is to say that you believe in equality, this will get your message across until the true meaning of feminism is known to everybody.

So if you are a man, you should be proud to call yourself a feminist among the people that know the true meaning of feminism and a person who wishes and fights for gender equality among those people that don't. If you are a woman, embrace the feminism for the other gender, they are going to help us win this fight for gender equality.

I hope you have enjoyed this post, I know that is just a drop in the ocean in this fight for gender equality but I want to help in anyway I can. If there is anything about feminism you are unsure of, email me here and I will do my very best to help you out. Have a lovely day and I will talk to you all very soon!




  1. This is so true! I know so many guys who are like "I'm not a feminist, that's only for girls- I believe in gender equality, not feminism!" and it's stupid- because that is literally what feminism is!
    Elise xxx

    1. I'm so glad you agree Elise! What some people say honestly makes no sense, all they need to do is take two minutes out of their day to Google what the meaning of feminism is!
      <3 Catherine

  2. Thank you Rainbow! There really is and I'm just hoping to get rid of that. Thank you so much Rainbow, I honestly appreciate it so much, you are such a big inspiration to me!
    <3 Catherine


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine