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Friday, 8 January 2016

Video - Toxic Relationships

Hey guys! I'm really sorry that I couldn't get my latest video on this post, I have been searching for it but it just won't come up. You can click here to watch the video anyway. I have been in a friendship with a person that made me upset a lot of the time but I didn't know what to do. I'm not friends with this person now and I think I've sort of figured out what to do if you need to get out of a toxic relationship. I don't want any of you to feel trapped and upset the way I did so I shared my tips in the video.

I would love your honest opinion on the new template. I know that there are a few things that I need to touch up but I'm not sure what they are so it would be extremely helpful if you pointed them out. Thanks guys!




  1. I really love your layout. If you'd like your image in the background to not move with the blog, go to the background on the edit, and select the little box there. I don't remember if it should be on or off. Plus, from your post, I know what you mean. Sadly I'm sorry you had to experience something like that. It's nutty. Take care always, and shall view your vid :)

    1. Thank you so much! This helped a lot! It seems to be okay on my screen now but I will check on somebody elses. It wasn't a nice experience but I don't regret it, it taught my a lot and now I have another opportunity to help people. Thanks again!
      <3 Catherine

    2. No worries. And that's good for helping others. Very super. Take care again :)

    3. Thanks again!
      <3 Catherine

  2. I completely understand what you're saying, in September I tried to remove myself from all toxic relationships and friendships gradually and now I finally think I've got it done completely and in 2016 am looking to start to rebuild my friendships with new people who make me happier :) I haven't seen your old template but I really like how your blog looks at the moments :)

    Lots of love, Marianne xxx

    1. Well done for doing that Marianne, it really makes a difference to your happiness doesn't it? Thanks so much! Have a a great day!
      <3 Catherine

  3. I absolutely loved your video hun and gave you a comment and like on it :) You're doing a fantastic job with your channel. I've also just nominated you in a tag that I've created if you're interested in taking part xxx

    1. Thanks so much Izzy! I'm having so much fun with my channel! I will definitely take part in the tag, thanks for nominating me!
      <3 Catherine


Thanks for your comment, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
<3 Catherine