This quote perfectly describes our friendship.
Hello everybody, I'm going to start a series where I do the friendship/best friend tag with a lot of my friends.
The way this works is that we ask each other five questions about ourselves and see how much we know!
At the end of each question there will be an 'actual answer' line. Welcome back to Smiley Central, let's get
The way this works is that we ask each other five questions about ourselves and see how much we know!
At the end of each question there will be an 'actual answer' line. Welcome back to Smiley Central, let's get
Melissa asks me . . .
If your friend was deserted on an island, what are the three things she could not live without?
I think . . .
A boat, a friend and her phone.
Actual answer . . .
A boat, a friend and food/water.
I ask Melissa . . .
What are my favourite foods (there are two)?
She thinks . . .
Macaroni and cheese and spaghetti bolognese.
Actual answer . . .
Strawberries and bacon.
Melissa asks me . . .
What are the three items your friend always carries?
I think . . .
Her phone, her clothes and her love.
Actual answer . . .
Her phone, her watch and her clothes.
I ask Melissa . . .
If I got one wish, what would it be?
She thinks . . .
World peace, love and happiness.
Actual answer . . .
Infinite wishes.
Melissa asks me . . .
Does your friend have any strange phobias and what are they?
I think . . .
No, she doesn't have any strange phobias.
Actual answer . . .
Yes she has, the fear of plungers.
I ask Melissa . . .
Who is my second favourite female singer?
She thinks . . .
Taylor Swift.
Actual answer . . .
Taylor Swift.
Melissa asks me . . .
How did your friend get her scar.
I think . . .
She got it from burning her wrist.
Actual answer . . .
She got burnt from a hot glue gun.
I ask Melissa . . .
What is my favourite thing about myself?
She thinks . . .
My confidence.
Actual answer . . .
My happiness and confidence.
I ask Melissa . . .
What is my favourite movie?
She thinks . . .
The Fault In Ours Stars.
Actual answer . . .
The Fault In Our Stars.
Melissa asks me . . .
What colour are my eyes?
Actual answer . . .
I ask Melissa . . .
What is my favourite movie?
She thinks . . .
The Fault In Ours Stars.
Actual answer . . .
The Fault In Our Stars.
Melissa asks me . . .
What colour are my eyes?
Actual answer . . .
I ask Melissa . . .
What is my favourite kind of nut?
She thinks . . .
Actual answer . . .
Brazil nuts.
What is my favourite kind of nut?
She thinks . . .
Actual answer . . .
Brazil nuts.
Thanks for reading this post, click here to enjoy Melissa's amazing blog that she shares with Cassey and Lexie. I will be continuing this series with more of my friends. Come back to my blog at 7:00 pm everyday to read my latest post, you can also check in at anytime to see if I have done a random post. Click here to read my most recent post.
I hope you are having an amazing day and I'll catch you tonight at 7:00 (NZ time).
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<3 Catherine